Oh Kim you understand how we fellas luv havin our arseholes licked and played with. It's so fuckin sensitive. That bit between balls and arsehole - luv to feel your tongue workin me. And your skilful hands wanking my shaft - fuck I'd cum so hard for ya.
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Fuck yes ... The blonde is tongue-fuckin the geezer's arsehole. Those of us who know how good that feels - well, the geezer's a lucky fella and this scene has made me shoot my spunk more than once. Cheers!
Luv to be deep in her sweet pussy together with the lads.
16'50" and onwards - fuckin superb play. Great proximity. Well done, lads.
Me and my GF was watchin this and she suddenly said that fella has a cute arse - she likes them hairy, see. That's why she likes mine lol.
And there's some great precum as well. Now that is always the best fuckin lube in the world, and if the lady is good at oral, she knows that two knobs really respond to leakin over each other in her gob so she can lick em clean. Brilliant!